Sunday Morning
We have two main services here at orchard, one at 10AM and one at 11AM! Our 10AM service actually isn’t a service at all, but rather personal Bible study groups. From kids aged 1 to adults aged 100 we have bible studies for everybody to grow together in community! At 11AM our church service starts with some awesome worship music from our band in the auditorium, followed by a message from the Bible by one of our pastors! (There is also “Kidz church” during the main message!)
10AM Groups for Adults
There are two Bible study groups for adults to choose from on Sunday morning. Our first group meets in our church cafe and is a more casual conversation type group. Each week a new topic is brought up to discuss and share thoughts, opinions, and experience on to help each other grow in our walks with God, our spouses, and our friends. If you enjoy coffee and some good fellowship, this class might be for you!
The Cafe Group
Our first group meets in our church cafe and is a more casual conversation type group. Each week a new topic is brought up to discuss and share thoughts, opinions, and experience on to help each other grow in our walks with God, our spouses, and our friends. If you enjoy coffee and some good fellowship, this class might be for you!

The In-Depth Study Group
Our second group meets in our secondary building. This group focuses on topics in a series format, following the same topic and building on it each week! In this group the lessons are given by one of our main Pastors with discussion in between. If you enjoy digging deep into the Bible, this class may be for you! P.S. This group also drinks a lot of coffee!

Special Needs Group
We want everybody to know that they are valued and have a place here at Orchard. God loves each and every one of us, and we’re so thankful we have loving leaders that bring this special ministry to life! You can find more info about this ministry by clicking on the button below!
10 & 11AM Kids Groups
Regardless of how different the world is now compared to when we were kids, one thing has always stayed the same; every kid needs to know they are loved, cared about, and have someone that believes in them. We strive to nurture and encourage our kids to grow into healthy, spiritual, and mature adults. Here’s a list of all of our different kids groups.
- Teens – Move to Auditorium at 11AM
- 1st-6th Grades – Move to Auditorium for Worship at 11AM then go to class
- Toddlers (3-5yr) – Runs through 11AM Service
- Nursery (infants – 2yr) – Runs through 11AM Service
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